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Yoel Friedman has endured many hardships in life due to developmental disabilities. Nevertheless, he has worked hard to support himself and lived a quiet life until August 2018. He had a job, two businesses, was happily living with his wife, Sarah, and their two kids. Shortly thereafter, everything changed.
At the age of 37, after getting by on his own for years, Yoel’s freedom and dignity was savagely torn from him when his own brother filed a petition with the court to declare Yoel an incapacitated person and completely took over his care. After being declared Yoel’s guardians in September 2018, his brother, Yehudah, and sister, Faigy, proceeded to neglect their duties of care while leaving Yoel in an increasingly restricted position to meet his own needs. They cut off his access to other forms of aid and isolated him from his wife and family.
Yoel’s wife Sarah was also threatened with potential guardianship. Wanting to stay out of trouble, she kept quiet, remaining distant. For Yoel, the situation became unbearable, and he was unable to find the support he once had. In his own words, Yoel felt he was left with no means to survive.
What kinds of people would do this to another person? Was it truly malintent or simply a misguided attempt to aid a family member who was so different from the rest of society? “In order to force me to surrender…to their full control and direction, they must destroy any accomplishments or help I got [or] will get without them,” Yoel said of the situation.
Where was the justice? What of his human right to autonomy and the ability to live life on his own terms? What follows is the remarkable story of Yoel Friedman’s imprisonment. Many details of Yoel’s situation and the evidence used in his court cases have been classified, made not even available to his family. The lack of details available in his case allows the injustice to live on unchecked. This site was established to expose the malevolent scheme against him with the hopes of raising awareness of the injustices he and others like him have faced.
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Yoel Friedman has, from a very young age, never received help to develop and function properly and was incapacitated about how to communicate with others as a result. Nonetheless, he was able to minimally function on his own to earn a living. Around March 2004, Yoel married Sarah Friedman, had two children, and they lived together until September 2018, when he was kidnapped and his minimal function was destroyed. No one ever made an effort to get a professional opinion about Yoel’s incapacity.
As a result of childhood incapacitation, Yoel struggled to earn a living until January 2010, when he managed to find employment as a kindergarten teacher at Vayoel Moshe Religious Elementary School in Monroe, NY. He was employed there until September 2018. In March 2014, Yoel bought an apartment in Monroe, NY, where he resided with Sarah and their two children.
With assistance from his brother Ben, around January 2016, Yoel successfully developed two separate businesses, Mung Beans USA, and Friedman’s Real Food, producing and marketing various specialty whole foods and shakes in the Kosher market in New York. He operated this business until September 2018.
Yoel was always able to manage and pay his bills and expenses on time and entirely by himself until September 2018. Yoel’s incapacity required educative help to teach him how to communicate with others, but Yoel was never in a situation that required, in any way, someone to be guardian over his finances.
On that day in 2018, Yoel was told that he must surrender and submit to other people’s control, something they labeled as “help”. When Yoel refused, he was told that since he was incapable of understanding this by himself, they must force this (purported) “help” on him against his will.
Thereafter, in late August 2018, Yoel’s brother Yehudah filed a petition with the Orange County Supreme Court to declare Yoel an incapacitated person, and be appointed as guardian for Yoel. On September 11, 2018, before the court made any ruling, Yehuda forcibly removed and kidnapped Yoel from his apartment, seized all of Yoel’s belongings, assets, money, property, IDs, banking, other documentations and took away Yoel’s independence.
Yoel had lost all control of his life.
State Court Judge Robert Onofry, though having been notified, still allowed this to happen and continue, despite the obvious and illegal plot. In early January 2019, Judge Onofry granted Yehuda’s petition to appoint him and his sister, Faigy Tyrnauer, as guardians. That order provided, among other things, for the guardians’ exclusive power of controlling Yoel’s monies, assets, payroll checks, business, and any other income and bill payments.
Yoel’s payroll checks went to the guardians. He was not able to apply for public assistance since he no longer possessed his IDs. Yoel is constantly in need and must beg others for food, shelter, and other basic necessities. In late July 2019, the court replaced his sibling guardians with Sarah’s brother, Joel Teitelbaum. The guardianship orders the guardian must provide and care for Yoel, including shelter, a place of residency, food, clothing, medical care, and all other basic necessities.
To date, Yoel has received zero assistance whatsoever, no shelter, food, maintenance, funds, clothing, transportation, medical healthcare, or any and other basic life necessities, let alone religious and cultural needs.
Since August 2018, Yoel has communicated numerous times with Judge Onofry’s office and Orange County Adult Protective Services (APS), to inform them that his basic needs are not being provided for and that he feels completely neglected and ignored.
While the basic provisions from the court order have been neglected by his guardians, Yoel is still restricted from taking care of these needs himself. On one hand, the proclaimed “helpers”
declared Yoel as incapacitated and disabled, while simultaneously refusing to provide the life necessities that any other disabled person would get.
Yoel has been blocked access to court. The county, APS, and the court all turned a blind eye and refuse to hear his pleas for help.
August 13, 2021
Yoel Friedman
No current address
Monroe New York 10950
Tel.: (845) 662-1375
Ukraine: What A Gang
In G-D We Trust
Stop the Steal
What A Gang?
Biden Hitler Putin
-Joe Biden-
STOP terrorizing the world
Get out the White House now!!!
The World Will Never Forgive
Vladimir Putin Liberates Ukraine
Joe Biden Liberates USA
June 14 2022 Albany NY
Washington DC , June 21 2022
Hochul Primary Victory Party Protest, June 28 2022, Manhattan NY
-In G-D We Trust –
We “The Trump Movement” are Winning!!!
Trump יָרוּם הוֹדוֹ
-In Destruction You Trust- You The Joe Biden Chinese Communist Party
Are Losing!!!
Drain The SWAMP כֵּן יֹאבְדוּ כָל אוֹיְבֶיךָ ד’י
VOTE Nov. 8 2022
Lee Zeldin New York Governor
Lee Zeldin will fight for YOU!!!
Trump Rally Saturday September 3, 2022, Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania
Trump Rally Saturday October 1st Warren Michigan
We are G-D fearing people
Trump won 2020 election.
Do not fear
The Joe Biden
Chinese Communist Party
Destruction Movement
Election Fraud Deniers
G-D is in control
Trump Rally Saturday November 5th 2022, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Federal Bureau of Investigation
200 McCarty Avenue Albany, NY 12209
Let’s be clear
Chinese Communist Party has successfully invaded USA
Keep in mind!
The FBI in fact is the most dangerous organized criminal mafia gang on the planet
G-D has a plan for us
Trump will be back at the White House before 2024
-Leader Mitch McConnell-
The Joe Biden criminal cartel empowers Chinese Communist Party at expense of USA
Biden and his handlers will soon be forced out of town
G-d is our faithfulness
Law-abiding citizens know
The Deep State actors are evil and poisoning the fabric of our society
The Deep State is a product of the Chinese Communist Party and needs to be exterminated a.s.a.p.
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Photos by:
Hudson Valley Aerial
Address: 4 Cornell Ave, Red Hook, NY 12571
Phone: (845) 443-3338
מודעה נחוצה מ’דר. ר’ זאב זעלענקא נ”י, מוצש”ק בה”ב תש”פ לפ”ק בענינים הנוגעים לתושבי קרית יואל יצ”ו
Dr Zev Zelenko Decries Corrupt Kiryas Joel Village Leaders, Gedalyeh Segedin, and Meir Hirsch.
A gitte voch, this is Dr. Zev Zelenko, and this video is for the חשובע Yidden of Kiryas Yoel. I’d like to share with you some feelings, some facts with you. We’ve been through a very difficult time last two months, the Jewish community, the Jewish people, all of humanity suffered a lot of death and illness. Just to give you unfortunately some of the statistics.
A thousand Heimishe Yidden that we know of, passed away from Covid19. Specifically, in Crown Heights there were 75 people that passed away, Yidden nebech. In Borough Park, Midwood and Flatbush altogether, over 600 Yidden nebech אפגעשטארבען. In Williamsburg over 250. In Lkaewood, N.J. 75. In Monsey 250. In Kiryas Yoel there were 14, and in my practice, together with Carestir and Dr. Zelenko we had one patient passed away.
A few weeks ago, two months ago, Hashem put an idea into my head, -I don’t take any credit for it-, that idea of how to treat this terrible Mageifa, and Baruch Hashem it works, and it works remarkably. I’m not sure if you realize, many governments have approached me and asked me for advise, including the government of Israel, Ukraine, Brazil, Honduras, Peru, and the United States of America. And I’m not sure if you realize or you know, that I’m dealing directly with the highest levels of the Federal government including the Trump administration, and very shortly my data will be published, and will show a remarkable decrease in death and illness, if the treatment is used within the first 5 days of the infection.
The reason why I’m sharing this information with you is, that there’s a terrible Cancer in Kiryas Yoel. The name of that cancer is Gedalyeh Segedin Joel Mittelman of Ezras Choilim, and Meir Hirsch. Meir Hirsch once taught me, that “he gets upset when he’s ready, not when other people are ready”, so now I’m ready.
In 2017, when I had (l”o) cancer and I was in chemotherapy, there was a measles outbreak. My office was the first office to see a measles station, I initiated treatment properly, and informed the community. A week later, Joel Mittelman filed a complaint with the Department of Health against me, that I mismanaged or some שם רע. They started an investigation, that investigation cost me $70,000 and two months of עגמת נפש, while I was in chemotherapy dealing with cancer (l”o). The conclusion of that investigation was, that I did everything right, more than right, that other practices should do what I was doing, in the way I was doing ב”ה. I decided at that time not to say anything, I figured it was a גזירה of the Eibershter, and I was going to be מעביר על מדותיו, and I kept quiet.
Two months ago, there was the beginning of the Covid19 infection, and I tried to make public awareness, and I informed the leadership, the political leadership of KJ, about the dangers. By the way, everything I’m saying has nothing to do with Satmar Rebbe or the Ruchnyus leadership, its specifically directed at political leadership of KJ, which in my opinion is criminally negligent, and has resulted in the unnecessary death of many Jews in KJ. Out of those 14 Jews that died, they didn’t have to die. It is a direct result of the criminal negligence and שפיכת דמים of Gedalyeh Segedin, Ezras Choilim, and the political leadership, and let me explain you why.
I tried to inform them of proper measures to take, to prevent the spread of this disease. In times of Mageifa, the תורה gives a doctor the ורפוא ירפא ,רשות. The Mishna in מס’ מגילה says, you cannot live in a city where there is no Doctor, the תורה gives the doctor the רשות to make and set policy, that was ignored.
The first day I got the results of the Covid19 testing, it was 9 out of 14 patients were positive, more than 60-70%. I made a video, not for the internet, I made a video for my patients, telling them of the results, warning them of the potential spread that more than half the community, if not up to 90% of the community could get infected, and I asked for the people from KJ, to look after your parents and grandparents and the sick, to make sure that they don’t die.
Someone uploaded that video to the internet, it wouldn’t surprise me it was Gedalyeh Segedin himself, and it caused a שם רע against me. How so? So, the leadership in KJ put out a Pashkevill and they didn’t even sign their names to it. They put out this Pashkevillen criticizing me, and they leaked it to the press.
Let me tell you what that resulted in, first of all there’s one patient in KJ, one of my patients who came, and he was given the medication, and when he heard about the pashkevillen his family says he didn’t take the medication, and now he’s under the ground, this is number one. Number two, I was dealing with the government of Israel, trying to affect health policy for the land of Eretz Yisruel, where there is 9 million Jews, and the answer I got was, why should we listen to you, when your own community doesn’t support you? It took me two extra weeks to affect policy in Eretz Yisruel, to change the way they were treating the Mageifa. I wonder how many unnecessary Jews died in those two weeks.
Furthermore, I’m dealing now with the highest levels of government trying to change policy in America, how do you feel the שם רע affects me when I’m trying to deal and affect healthcare on a national or international scale? But you know, at that time I still kept quiet, but something happened in the last two weeks, which I need to share with you and explain to you why I’m not keeping quiet.
Joel Mittelman made a false accusation against me to the Attorney General of the State of New York. He made a accusation that has nothing to do with the truth, and that opened an investigation against me and Carestir. By the way the community of KJ owes a tremendous הכרת הטוב to Caerestir, specifically Cheskel Yoil Shtesel and Eliezer Lebowitz, who have worked 20 hours a day the last two months together with me, to try to protect the Yidden of KJ.
So now I have an investigation to deal with from the attorney general of the state of NY, because of a complaint made by Joel Mittelman of Ezras Choilim. Furthermore, Gedalyeh Segedin took that letter that I received from the Attorney General, somehow he got it, and he leaked it to the internet.
The reason why this is done to me and to Carestir is the following. Joel Mittelman has קנאה and wants נקמה for the fact that I didn’t die (ח”ו), and that I continue to provide quality healthcare together with Carestir for the Yidden in KJ. That takes away business from him. It’s in his interest, and the interest of Gedalyeh Segedin to try to destroy my reputation. I don’t care about my reputation. After someone who almost died, and is ב”ה still here, I don’t care about anything, except my relationship with G-d.
The reason I am making this video, is a scream to theYidden of KJ, that you are being treated like animals by the political leadership of your community. They think you’re stupid. They mistreat you, they mishandle the resources given by the government to you, for their own personal benefit, its a crime. And in times of Mageifa to be מוציא שם רע on the doctor who literally brought the רפואה for this terrible disease, first to your community, our community, my patients who I have cared for the last twenty years, and to the world in general, and to try to destroy that Doctor, because of your own personal jealousy and desire for money, is the source of the Mageifa. My ברכה to my patients and to the חשובע Yidden of Kiryas Yoel, to Klal Yisruel in general, and to the whole world in general, we should be zoche that Mushiach should come and protect us from this אבי אבות הטומאה called Meir Hirsch, Gedalyeh Segedin, Joel Mittelman and Ezras Choilim, and nothing in KJ happens without the ברכה of Meir Hirsch.
I am ready to leave your community, I have so many opportunities around the world, I don’t need Kiryas Joel to make פרנסה, I’m staying here because I care for my patients. If you want me to leave, let me know. A gute voch.
From Kiryas Joel Village:
About Kiryas Joel Village
Kiryas Joel Village and allied religious groups violate the Constitution and take control of federal and state courts
This site was opened to expose the corrupted and fraudulent actions of the religiously controlled Kiryas Joel Village, NY. Together with other religious groups, the leaders of the KJ Village control in a mafia-like manner, often under color of law, how community constituents must behave and block the freedoms of whomever they deem problematic and a threat to their mafia-control system.
The KJ Village has a history of harassing people in the community and abusing its political power to get what they want—regardless of whose rights they trample on—in a way that no other city in this country has ever done. The village and allied religious groups are involved in orchestrated powerful and systemic church and state violations, civil rights violations, violating free speech and freedom of religion, taking control of state and federal courts, and systemic terror against those deemed a problem.
This site and blog is open to anyone, and as the Village and other religious groups continue in the corrupt manner, this site will serve to expose their fraud. Join the fight to stop this abuse of political power.
This federal action was brought by a resident in this Hasidic, ultra-Orthodox, close-knit community of KJ Village, who became a terror victim once he spoke out against criminal actions done under false religious pretenses.
In 2010, he got involved in a campaign to stop forced divorces that have been taking place through the use of criminal kidnappings within the community. Threatened by the campaign, some people aligned with the mafia religious groups in the community tried to silence him by constantly terrorizing and intimidating him. Officials from Orange County and others outside the community where then joined in their campaign to stop him.
After protracted terror and civil rights violations, in which county officials had played along to fraudulently facilitate these violations under color of law, he filed a lawsuit in federal court against his terrorizers, including the KJ Village and Orange County seeking protection and justice.
Subsequently the harassment and intimidation picked up with increased fervor and he soon found himself extremely terrorized, expelled from the Village, and homeless. His family was broken up and his children were taken from him—all in a plot to block his access to courts and stop his involvement in the religious campaign.
The religious groups and the mafia behind this terror in conjunction with the KJ Village then decided to use their powerful connections and political influence to conspire with the County Attorney as well as the other attorneys involved to contact the federal judge presiding over the case, Judge Briccetti, and convince him to back off and turn a blind eye, in the same manner they did with the State Judge.
Not only did Judge Briccetti stop performing his role as a neutral judge, but, acting under the influence of the KJ Village, he also became a participant in furthering the object of the conspiracy. The victim has now brought another lawsuit in federal court to set aside Judge Briccetti’s actions as it was induced by fraud.
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(Right click on the links and select save to download file)
Petition for Guardianship August 28, ’18
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Order for Guardianship January 3, ’19
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Letter to Court August 6, ’21 (response to email)
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Response from Court August 6, ’21
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Amended Letter response to Court August 9, ’21
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Order dated August 11, ’21, appointing MHLS
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Order dated August 11, ’21, to file a Report
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Letter to Court August 11, ’21 (response to orders)
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Response from Court August 12, ’21
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Letter to Court August 12, ’21 (response to Letter)
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Misc. Links & Videos – Kiryas Joel Action on Courts
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Instagram Yoel Friedman
Facebook Kiryas Joel Village
Facebook Mung Beans USA
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מיטוואך פרשת ויצא תשפ”ב לפ”ק
אן אפענע בריוו צו מיין ווייב
עס איז שוין מער ווי דריי (3) יאר וואס דו דינסט די היימישע “מאפיא” אלס שטעקן קעגען מיר. אויף זייער
פארלאנג, האלטסטו אן אונזער צוטיילונג ביז היינט צוטאגס זינט דו האסט מיר ארויסגערוקט פון שטוב, דו דרייעסט זיך אויך ארויס פון מיר לאזען באפרייען זיך גענצליך און אינגאנצען אפ’גט’ן.י
דיין דינען אלס זייער שטעקן באגרעניצט דיר אויך דיין מעגליכקייט אנצוגיין מיט דיין לעבען, מיט דעם אלעם האלסטו זיך נישט אפ דערפון.י
ביסט אויף זייער פארלאנג געגאנגען אין קארט ארויפצוצווינגען א גאַרדיען אויף מיר, און דורך דעם אלעס אוועקגענומען פון מיר.י
ביסט אויך געגאנגען אין קארט צו מאכען קרימינאלע קלאגעס אקעגען מיר, מיר ארעסטירט עטליכע מאל, און האלטס אן ארדער אויף פראטעקשאן אקעגען מיר.י
עס שטעלט זיך אפאר הארבע פראגעס: ביסטו היינט צוטאגס, און די יעצטיגע מצב, א מער צופריעדענער מענטש ווי אין די יארען ווען מיר האבען געוואוינט אינאיינם?י
איז דא איינער וואס העלפט דיר ארויס אין שטוב און מיט די קינדער אזוי ווי איך פלעג דיר העלפן?י
איז דא איינער וואס אינטרעסירט זיך בכלל אויף דיר און אויף דיינע אמת’ע אינטערעסען?י
ווי לאנג נאך וועסטו נאכגיין אין אנהאלטען די וואס ניצען דיר פאר א שטעקן און זיי באטראכטען ווי כלומר’שטע ערליכע אידען, כאילו זיי זענען דיינע גוטע פריינד וואס מיינען כאילו דיין טובה?י
ווי לאנג נאך וועסטו האלטען אז דיין שווער און שוויגער זענען כלומר’שט ערליכער און בעסערע פריינד פאר דיר ווי דיינע אייגענע אמת’ע ערליכע עלטערן?י
אפשר איז שוין צייט אז דו זאלסט קומען צום שכל און אויסהערן וואס דיינע געטרייע ערליכע עלטערן האבן דיר צו זאגן?י
יואל פריעדמאן
ב”ר חיים שלמה ני”ו
חתן ר’ מענדל טייטלבוים ני”ו
מלמד ויואל משה – “פריעדמאן’ס ריעל פוד”י